Rio de Janeiro, 22th.06.2012 – During the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio (Rio+20) the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Union’s Committee of the Regions (CoR) signed a Memorandum of Understanding, signalling a new phase of cooperation between the two institutions. The agreement sets out a framework for strong cooperation with the shared goal of achieving a sustainable future.
Both institutions agreed to prioritise five areas namely: multilevel environmental governance; green economy and resource efficiency; climate change mitigation and adaptation; biodiversity and ecosystems management; and decentralised cooperation for development. It reinforces both institutions belief that there is a need to strengthen the role of local and regional authorities within the policy-decision making process if this objective is to be achieved.
The MoU emphasises the importance of placing sustainable cities at the heart of the global strategy on sustainable development. With cities responsible for consuming some 75% of the Earth’s natural resources, the purchasing and policy decisions at a local level can assist the drive towards a green economy and make a key contribution to achieving the objectives of Rio+20.
Source: press release by UNEP and EU’s CoR