12 settembre 2012 – The Merger by incorporation of TerniGreen in TerniEnergia shall become effective on September 14th, 2012, after the registration of the respective act with the related offices of the Companies Register which is expected to take place by tomorrow Thursday September 13. The accounting and tax effects of the Merger shall become effective from the effective date of the Merger.

In compliance with the resolutions passed by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of TerniEnergia dated June 28, 2012, the Incorporating will increase its share capital by issuing. n. 9,792,000 new ordinary shares TerniEnergia with no nominal value with share capital increase of Euro 2.79 per share issued for a nominal amount of Euro 27,319,680 attributable to shareholders of TerniGreen, in the exchange ratio of 0.34 shares TerniEnergia with no nominal value for each n. 1 share TerniGreen with no nominal value.


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