– Revenues of 52.0 million euro (62.1 million euro at 31.03.2012)
- EBITDA of 6.5 million euro (7.5 million euro at 31.03.2012)
- EBIT of 2.6 million euro (3.7 million euro at 31.03.2012)
– Net Loss of -0.9 million euro (0.5 million euro at 31.03.2012)
- NFP 157.7 million euro in line with figure as at 31.12.2012 of 155.9 million euro (138.0 million euro at 31.03.2012)
Rozzano (MI), 14th May 2013
The Board of Directors of Biancamano Spa, a company listed on the Star segment of Borsa Italiana and private leader in the Waste Management sector in Italy, today approved the consolidated results as at 31 March 2013.